Thursday 22 August 2013

Here you can learn about the basic skills that are the foundation for good inline roller skating. Get an overview of techniques for balance, stance, falling, getting up, walking, stopping, striding and scooter pushes.

Learning to inline skate will require a safe, obstacle-free training space. An empty parking lot, an unused tennis court, a sidewalk or any flat, smooth piece of pavement with grass (for cushioned falls and stops) beside it will work fine. New inline skaters will need to walk in their skates to begin, and a large grassy area will make a great tryout area before skating on pavement. Beginners should avoid the well-traveled trails and parks until they can maneuver safely.
Protective gear is an absolute must when your time to crash and burn comes, because using these safety add-ons (along with good training) will eliminate most of your injuries and improve the overall safety and enjoyment of your inline skating training and roller sports adventures.
A complete set of protective gear consists of four primary pieces - a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and wrist protectors or guards. Falling on your head is not common, but when it happens the resulting head injuries can be critical, so wear your helmet. Everyone's reflexes make them want to catch a fall with extented hands, so wrist guards become very important. Use of knee and elbow pads has also been shown to reduce injuries and save your knees from road rash.

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